Groundwater dewatering

Groundwater Dewatering and Hydrostatic Pressure

Underground seepage of groundwater and the hydrostatic pressure can be a silent yet significant factor in delaying construction projects. This pressure can affect everything from excavation safety to structural integrity, putting contractors under immense pressure to find effective solutions that keep the project on track. At SEEK

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Wellpoint or Sandpoint or Spearpoint Dewatering

What is Wellpoint or Sandpoint or Spearpoint Dewatering?

We generally use Wellpoint or Sandpoint or Spearpoint Dewatering in a shallow excavation. AWellpoint / Sandpoint system constitutes of multiple, closely placed, small diameter pipes with screensat the bottom. These multiple pipes are connected to a single pump on the suction side which drawswater out of the

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Sewer bypass design

The existing infrastructure (such as sewer lines, pump stations, and manufacturing plants) in major cities is getting old. To maintain and upgrade the existing infrastructure, construction companies complete the process of sewer bypass requiring pumps and generators. It is extremely important that sewer bypass designs meet municipal,

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