With the market getting busy after the pandemic, and shipping vessels lining up at Vancouver port to unload, it was fun designing this project to unload chemicals from a shipping vessel and pump it 2 km to a storage tank. Pumping chemicals can be challenging, from identifying the suitable pump material (cast, steel, bronze, ceramic, rubber, etc.) to discharging the hose. Every step has to be designed in detail and
the engineer has to be thorough. Do you have a chemical pumping application that needs engineering attention? Call SEEK Engineering @ 604.720.0190 or [email protected] and we can assist.
#seekengineering #pumpingsolutions #dredging #submersiblepump #dewatering
#riverintake#seekengineering #pumpingsolutions #dredging #submersiblepump #dewatering
#riverintake #hydrotestingengineering #pneumatictestingengineering #wellpointengineering
#deepwellengineering #sewerbypassengineering #riverdiversionengineering